New Features for Your Journey Tracking App: Embed Videos and Link Social Media Posts on Your Adventure Map
New Features for Your Journey Tracking App: Embed Videos and Link Social Media Posts on Your Adventure Map
We’ve released some exciting new features on Pebbls this week that will make your adventure map more dynamic than ever. Now, as well as Pebbls, you can embed external videos directly into your map or link your social media posts, giving you even more ways to tell your story.

Here’s what you can do with the latest update:
YouTube & Vimeo Videos
We’ve added a new feature that lets you embed videos directly from YouTube and Vimeo into your Pebbls map. Now, your viewers can watch these videos right on the map, without ever having to leave your adventure.
Facebook, Instagram, & TikTok Posts
You can now drop Pebbls on your map with links to your TikTok videos, Instagram posts, or Facebook updates. These Pebbls mark the exact spots where those moments happened, and when clicked, they’ll take viewers to the original posts on their respective platforms.
Blog Posts
You can now drop Pebbls on your map that link directly to your blog posts. This way, readers can explore the full story of your journey right from the location where it all took place.
Fundraising Pages
If your adventure is tied to a cause, you can drop a Pebbl on your map linking to your fundraising page, making it easy for others to support what you care about.
Private Pebbls
Some moments are personal, and now you can keep them that way. Mark special spots on your map with private Pebbls that only you can see.
Get Started Today
Your journey is more than just the path you take—it’s about the experiences and moments along the way. These new features let you add more depth to your map, making it a richer reflection of your adventure.
These features are now live on the Pebbls journey tracker app for both iOS and Android. On your next adventure, try adding a video or a link to your map. It’s an easy way to make your journey map uniquely yours, capturing the moments that matter.